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Floral & Plant Care

Find guidelines and tip on how to take care of your flowers and plants.

My Dream of a Green Thumb

So I can sell houseplants like the best of them.  I mean, I’ve been in this business for a really long time and have had A LOT of houseplants pass me by.  Now, wouldn’t you think that by sheer...

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LBR Educational Resources

Below you’ll find helpful resources to unleash your creativity and better your business.

How to Better Your Flower Business

Strategies on how to run your shop better, grow your profit, and everything in-between.

Flower Design How-To’s & Techniques

Learn how to design flowers at three different levels: Basic, Intermediate, & Advanced.

Make Your Business Bloom All Year Round.

As your floral wholesaler, Len Busch Roses partners with you by providing the highest quality products, with guaranteed quality service, and unparalleled resources to help simplify your business and grow profitably.